Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Blog entry #3

Title: Marquee

  1. When I speak of marquee, we talk about HTML because we use HTML in our computer III.
  2. When I speak of marquee, we talk about save because we use it to perform HTML programs.
  3. When I speak of marquee, we talk about example because we use it to perform HTML examples.
  4. When I speak of marquee, we talk about moving because we give examples of tags in HTML.
  5. When I speak of marquee, we talk about marquee because this is our lesson today.
  6. When I speak of marquee, we talk about text because we use it to type body of our HTML.
  7. When I speak of marquee, we talk about space because we use it to type the tags.
  8. When I speak of marquee, we talk about file because we get into it to save our documents.
  9. When I speak of marquee, we talk about attributes because we it to know more about the lesson.
  10. When I speak of marquee, we talk about tags because we use it to type word in our own HTML documents and to perform HTML programs.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Journal Entry #1

Today, I learned for this day is all about the Netscape Navigator and the Internet Explorer. I also learned too the difference of Netscape from Internet Explorer. Internet and Netscape is not for entertainment but also for browsing and searching. We learn too the descriptions and their uses. I become familiar with these because it can find answers, we can buy or post ads by using Netscape and Internet. In this lesson, i feel new because i learned new things in this subject.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ten interesting words ^______^

1. I saw Log in at and I find it interesting. Log in means to go to your profile or to your account.
2. I saw Play at and I find it interesting. Play means to have fun.
3. I saw Home at and I find it interesting. Home means the main page of the site.
4. I saw E-mail at and I find it interesting. E-mail means to sent from one person to another via computer.
5. I saw Password at and I find it interesting. Password means secret answer or word that cannot be identified by someone.
6. I saw URL at and I find it intresting. URL means The standard way to give the address of any resource on the Internet that is part of the World Wide Web.
7. I saw Blog at and I find it interesting. Blog means messages that can be shared.
8. I saw Edit at and I find it interesting. Edit means to add or delete some datas or words.
9. I saw Seach at and I find it interesting. Seach means to find or to explore.
10. I saw Log out at and I find it interesting. Log out means to exit the profile or account.